Thursday, April 06, 2006

I like blogging

I don't do as much as I like, but I like blogging. I didn't think I'd keep it up this long. Although the things I write are pretty mundane, it helps me feel like I have a voice. Since being a mom, I've been home and don't talk much to people anymore. Except for my sister who has 4 kids (one more on the way), none of my close friends have any kids. So no one really 'gets it'. LOL.

Anyway, blogging is a bit of therapy and it helps me look at where I'm at with starting a biz. I've done more in the past 7 months about the paper biz than I have in the past 3+ years of planning for it. I think I took action at the most difficult time... when my son started to become mobile. What made me think I wasn't going to be chasing him around? LOL Anyway I'm going at slower than a snail's pace, but at least I'm going.

So right now it's website building time. Ok, without having to deal with a shopping cart, it's easier. But I still have to deal with that eventually. Depending on how sane I am at that point, I might hire someone. I think it's fear of giving control to someone else, I don't know. Right now though, I'm having a hell of a time shooting the cards. I want to photograph them because they are embellished. We'll see what happens after I play with the camera settings and lighting a bit more. Photoshop can only do so much.


Blogger Crissy said...

Okay, it's kinda silly how we're totally going through the same stuff!

I too have "the fear" of giving control (of my website) to someone else, yet I don't want to do it myself ... and I too have been struggling with documenting/photographing my work (due to poor lighting).

Man-oh-man, I totally sympathize with you! :)

PS: At least you're working on this stuff though, and that's definitely better than not doing anything at all. :)

April 07, 2006  
Blogger patricia zapata said...

It's funny that you post about this because I'm about to reshoot everything again. I can't seem to get the lighting right and like you said Photoshop can only do so much...argh! Nice to know we're not alone. LOL!

April 07, 2006  
Blogger the shim family said...

I have embellishments on some of my designs as well, and find it so hard to photograph. Good luck!

April 10, 2006  

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